Since your baby was conceived your life has continuously changed in lots of ways.
Who you are becoming is different to who you were before.
These changes are beautiful and at the same time, as you continue your journey through motherhood, they can stretch you in ways that are difficult and uncomfortable, causing you to question yourself and your decisions.
You might feel...
- That you're not good enough as you scroll social media or talk to other mothers, because everyone else seems to have it all together.
- Exhausted by being pulled in so many directions.
- That you're not doing enough, even though you're doing as much as you possibly can.
- Like no one really understands the changes that you are experiencing inside, so you don't know who to talk to about it.
These feelings are completely normal for mothers to experience.
Our society is very baby-focused, and the journey of becoming a mother is mostly ignored, leaving too many mothers confused and isolated.
It's time for that to change.
This journey that you are on has a name. It's called Matrescence.
It's very similar to adolescence, however, matrescence is largely unrecognised in our culture.
Matrescence is the profound and transformative journey of self-discovery and growth that you experience, from the moment you conceive, right through your journey of being a mother.
Matrescence is an opportunity to explore and embrace more of who you truly are through the journey of motherhood.
Becoming a mother can feel like unfamiliar terrain, like moving to a new country and not knowing how to speak the language, or find your way around.
Understanding matrescence is the map that you need to navigate through the unknown of your life changing mothering journey with confidence.
When you have the right support in your journey, you can centre yourself in the incredible love and strength that resides within you.
“The process of becoming a mother or matrescence, coined by Dana Raphael, Ph.D. (1973), is a developmental passage where a woman transitions through pre-conception, pregnancy and birth, surrogacy or adoption, to the postnatal period and beyond. The exact length of matrescence is individual, recurs with each child, and may arguably last a lifetime!
The scope of the changes encompass multiple domains bio, psycho, social, political, spiritual and can be likened to the developmental push of adolescence.”
Aurelie Athan, PH.D.
Imagine if you...
- Fully understood the transformation you are going through so that you can drop the self-judgement and have compassion for yourself.
- You could feel confident as you grow into this new phase in your life.
- Clear the confusion and have clarity about what is most important to you, so that you can spend your time in ways that nourish both you and your child.
- Have a network of family and friends who understand what you are going through, and are there to support and uplift you.
- Can easily switch from stressed out to centred and calm so that you can be the mother you want to be.
- Can encourage praise and elevate yourself through self-talk, even if you haven't changed out of your pyjamas all day.
- Can go from comparing yourself to other mothers to deeply connecting with them, because you respect, understand and celebrate each other's journey.
If you would like to discover more about yourself and gain clarity about this incredible journey you are on, I'd like to invite you to attend the brand new course:
The Mother Glow Method
During this one day course you will learn...
- What matrescence is, and discover how it impacts every area of your life and parenting.
- The science of matrescence, and how your brain changes when you become a parent.
- The Dimensions of Matrescence, and how you can identify the way your life is shifting through your experience.
- How your unique matrescence journey has unfolded, so that you can have compassion for yourself and your body.
- How to overcome "mum guilt" and the perfect parent syndrome, and instead feel more confident to follow your mothering instincts.
- How to not lose yourself, and instead become more of who you truly are as you navigate through your matrescence journey with the Practice of L.O.V.E.
- Practical techniques to release stress, anxiety and overwhelm, and strengthen your inner calm so that you can parent in the way you desire to.
- How to identify and align with your highest values so that you can prioritise what is necessary, and let go of what isn't.
- How to set loving boundaries to allow yourself the space and time you need.
- How to build your village of supportive people who understand what you are going through, so that you and your family can thrive.
You'll also receive the Mother Glow Method workbook, plus guided matrescence meditations and practices to support you in your becoming.
The Mother Glow Method
Saturdays 9am - 1pm
At Birthcare or Online via Zoom
Your course booking is for two people (optional but recommended),
you and your matrescence support person.
This course is usually $300
Book now for just $79
Spaces are limited.
Your Confidence Guarantee

This course is designed for you to explore your matrescence journey and get the support you need to flourish.
If you go through the course and you are not completely satisfied, you can contact me within one week for a full refund.