What Parents Are Saying

We think everyone expecting a baby should attend Claire's Calm Hypnobirthing Course. It has changed our perception of birth and that it can be a very calm, relaxed and beautiful experience. My husband and I, think the elements you learn in Hypnobirthing should be mandatory for everyone. It all makes complete sense and we feel so prepared and calm now.
Petra & Tom, first time parents
Taking The Calm Hypnobirthing Course was so worthwhile not only for me, but for my partner. I now understand my body better, the process of birth, and how nature plays such a big part. I feel more confident in myself, my ability to feel more relaxed and calm for labour and I have more trust in my partner, as he now knows how he can support me.
Annette Lane, first time Mum
Hypnobirthing is a way to learn to relax and trust your body during birth. The book is brilliant. I feel calm, ready and I trust my body now. I understand the natural process of birthing and have faith in my body.
Vanessa - Auckland
"I think this course should be compulsory for all parents! It was so useful to learn exactly what your body is doing throughout the birthing process and link it with visualisation and breathing techniques to encourage and support the natural process.
Michelle - first time Mum
I did the online course and I felt very calm and at ease throughout my birth. It totally didn't go to plan but whenever a stressful situation came up I just remembered Claire's meditations and felt fine. Apparently I looked fairly calm!
Holly Megan, first time mum
My name is Vicky Mason and on Feb 12 2011, I gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Sadie. As a first time mother hypnobirthing helped me relax about the birth and embrace it as the positive experience that it was. I found the breathing techniques really helped me, my support people couldn't believe how calm I was and able to manage the surges. Claire was a fantastic teacher, very encouraging and supportive, which really helped with my confidence. I feel that every expectant mother can gain something positive from learning these techniques. Thank you so much Claire for all your help!
Vicky - Auckland
Before I came to your classes I was adamant that I would birth at the hospital and take every precaution possible to have a 'safe birth'.  I was also convinced I would accept all intervention, so as not to make things harder. Now I am feeling completely faithful that it is something my body and my baby can do perfectly on their own. I've chosen to birth somewhere more comfortable, am completely without fear and completely filled with confidence.. Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed to start my parenting journey so beautifully.
Sara - Auckland
I think that this course is the best thing we could have done to prepare for our first baby. The relaxation exercises are very easy and effective, they made a world of difference during the birth. We feel both feel that we have learnt positive skills for life! Thank you.
Bryce - Auckand
This course helps you get a better idea of what’s going on in your body during birth & give you fantastic tools to prepare for a calmer one! If you want to feel more confident, positive and prepared for birth - it’s well worth it!
Jo, first time Mum
Just wanted to let you know that our son arrived 7.21pm last Sat evening (3rd March) via a water birth as planned 🙂 Jakobus Johannes Smith (JJ) is just beautiful and he and I remained calm through the birthing process which was just amazing. I was able to focus on breathing through the surges and (as hypnobirthing teaches us) my labour advanced quickly and smoothly as a result. We stayed at home until I was around 7cm dilated and jumped into the pool for JJ to be born just over 1.5 hours later. (The water was great - it was so nice to feel weightless!). Thank you so much for sharing hypnobirthing with us - I have no doubt in my mind that hypnobirthing enabled us to have the natural and relaxed birth that we were wanting. I would totally recommend hypnobirthing!
Lara and Henk - Auckland
I was feeling anxious and scared about giving birth without an epidural. Now I feel empowered and relaxed in the knowledge that giving birth is what my body was designed to do, and that it doesn't have to be painful.
Krystal - Auckland
Hypnobirthing is a way to make the birthing process a more positive experience. Thank you for your help and your gentle, positive approach.
Harsh - Doctor, Auckland
The birth of our daughter was the most magical moment of my life.. I will never forget her little face as we met for the first time and the way she instantly locked her eyes with mine so deeply immediately after she was born, it was such a deep connection I am so pleased I could experience this moment free of the haze of drugs.
Catherine - Auckland
The Calm Hypnobirthing course is 100% worth taking. You will be taught an array of different tools and techniques that will leave you feeling confident, empowered and excited for your upcoming birth.
Hayley Taylor, first time Mum
Hypnobirthing is a way to make the birthing process a more positive experience. Thank you for your help and your gentle, positive approach.
Harsh - Doctor, Auckland
"I was a bit concerned before about how we would deal with the birth and also how involved and useful I would be.   I now feel so much better and have seen a big change in both of our attitudes to birth and I know that I have an important part to play.   Hypnobirthing has taught me a new way of understanding birth that is about applying breathing techniques, relaxing and removing the pain / fear focus that we were all brought up to believe is inevitable.   Claire's course created a great atmosphere of reassurance and support with excellent information.  I'm convinced that our birth will be much better for it."
I was internally freaking out about labour, the pain and the uncertainty of birth.  I now feel in total control of how the labour will go, and even if it doesn't go to plan, I know we will be relaxed and able to make a decision that isn't based on fear. I am relaxed and calm about birthing my baby.  I also feel more connected to my baby and changing body - I now know it's all natural and my body and baby will know what to do at the birth.
Lyvie King, first time Mum

I just wanted to send you a wee message to say a big thank you for the hypnobirthing classes which Shaun and I attended with you.

I felt at ease and confident about my babies birth before I begun the classes but working with you and practising many of the things we have learnt about has taken that ease and confidence to a whole new level!

I just feel so relaxed about the birth and most importantly, confident in my bodies ability to birth our baby naturally. We are both so very excited and I really can’t wait for the day to come!!

Olivia Weaver - Auckland

"The Calm Hypnobirthing Course gives you tools to focus internally to understand what’s happening to your body during pregnancy and birth.

After coming along to your hypnobirthing training I’m now feeling calm and empowered about the choice to birth naturally.

We now have the tools to support the process by staying calm and allowing my body to do what it was designed to do"

Debbie - Second time Mum 

"Hypnobirthing is not as wacky as the name suggests! It is about taking control of the birthing experience and visualising the birth that you want.  

Before the classes my perceptions of birth were all negative.  I had assumed that it would be a painful distressing experience.

We attended hypnobirthing in Auckland with Claire, and these classes have totally changed this view and made me realise that we can take control of the birth to make it a positive experience."

Adam Sharman - First time Dad

We welcomed our baby girl, Audrey Campos at 21:10 on 24 October. We could not have been more happy with our birth and credit a large amount of this to the tools you gave us at hypnobirthing.

Thank you so much. Audrey came into the world feeling loved, supported and strong.

Rachelle & Roberto - Auckland

90+ Five Star Reviews on Google! 
