Frequently asked questions
The cost of the classes covers the following..
- The course is for two people, you and your chosen birth partner.
- Calm Hypnobirthing audio tracks including a fear release, relaxation & guided practices.
- A 40 page workbook to guide your practice.
- Access to a private digital resource bank, also available via a mobile app.
- Continued support from Claire via phone or email until your birthing day.
- BONUS #1: An Online Baby Sleep Workshop.
- BONUS #2: Yoga For Pregnancy & Birth Online.
Since baby receives the benefits of the relaxation practices and fear release, it is beneficial to do the workshop as early as possible. This also gives you lots of time to practice the techniques you will learn in class. Most parents will begin anywhere from 14 - 37 weeks.
There is no risk of forgetting the techniques if you start early because you will have the audio tracks and The Calm Hypnobirthing Course Workbook to keep referring back to.
During The Calm Hypnobirthing Course you will learn how your natural birthing body works and all of the techniques to work with your body during birth.
What we don't cover is the more medical side of birthing, so if you want to learn about that you may also like to attend an antenatal course.
Whilst it is really valuable to have your birth support person attend the workshop with you, it isn't essential.
You will be given lots of resources to pass on the information to them if they can't make the course.
The practices you will learn are time proven techniques of breathing, relaxation and visualisation. They all work perfectly to support the physiology of your birthing body.
You will be learning to prepare your mind and body for success in the same way that sports greats prepare for their big event.
"We thought it might be quite spiritual and come on a bit strong, but we were pleasantly surprised. Especially Tom.It was relaxing and not intense in any way. And an incredibly informative and positive experience."Katy Powell, First time Mum.
Through The Calm Hypnobirthing Course you will receive the tools to remain calm, positive and in control, regardless of how your baby enters the world.
You will learn how to to evaluate your options and make informed decisions at every step of your pregnancy and birth experience, allowing you to remain empowered and reduce the risk of regrets.
"Prepare for a no-fault birth.. If you confidently participate in all the decisions made during your labor and delivery - even those that were not in your birth plan - you are likely to look upon your birth with no blame and no regrets."William and Martha Sears, The Birth Book
Yes, we don't discount the need for medication.
The techniques you learn will help to bring you into a state of calm and relaxation, allowing your birthing unfold in an easier manner even when medical support is required.
In The Calm Hypnobirthing Course you will learn the difference between necessary and unnecessary medical intervention which will allow you to feel well prepared to make informed decisions.
I can't promise that you won't experience pain or discomfort during your birthing. And there is a good possibility that with using these techniques you will be able to achieve a comfortable birth for yourself and your baby.
In the course we discuss the physiological reason for pain in birth. With this understanding, mothers, with the support of their birth companions, are able to work more effectively with their birthing bodies instead of fighting against the natural process.
Many Mums say that applying the techniques enabled them to have beautiful births that were free of the intense pain that is often associated with birth.
You can read the wonderful birth stories of other parents who have been through Auckland HypnoBirthing classes here.
Share your feelings and desires about your upcoming birth with your midwife or obstetrician regularly to make sure you feel you will be supported by them.
In The Calm Hypnobirthing Course you will receive a birth preferences template to fill it out and take it to an upcoming visit.
Having a Birth Preferences document outlined helps you to have a clear conversation about exactly what you are hoping to achieve on your birthing day. This sets the groundwork for a wonderfully detailed conversation with your LMC and you will have the opportunity to hear how they practice in all the areas that are covered.
Of course we can never guarantee that things will go exactly to plan, but after you have created this framework, if things do need to deviate from there, you can ask the empowering questions (that you will receive in the course) to get all the information about your situation and then make an informed decision from there.
If you have any other questions please feel free to get in touch.