We just wanted to say a big thank you for preparing us so well for the birthing of our son, Leo. He was born on 27 June after a relatively short labour…and the day happened just like we planned using the hypnobirthing techniques (except for the very end!). Leo’s arrival started exactly as I planned it would in our birthing story, right down to the weather, the date and the time of day!
Waters broke at 2am and I went back to bed to listen to the rainbow relaxation, even managed to sleep (although I was very excited). At about 10am we were called into hospital for a fetal heart rate check, which I was reluctant to do, but we went in…and I was 2cm dilated. Our obstetrician sent us home…and at about 12pm I settled in to the relaxation routine we had practiced over the last few months.
Just 2 hours of relaxation later we went back to hospital with surges approx every 3 minutes and 6cm dilated. I got straight into the birthing pool and within an hour was at 8cm…and just another hour later was at 10cm. All went by very fast – felt like no time at all to me. I didn’t feel any pain as such, but very powerful surges (exactly the right word for it!!).
My husband was amazing and spoke to me the whole time using the scripts and techniques we had learned…he really kept me focused. Unfortunately right when I was fully dilated the midwife couldn’t find Leo’s heartbeat so I had to get out of the pool. I was reluctant to do that, but actually found I was even more comfortable out of the water than in it!
We then had 2.5 hours of trying to birth Leo naturally…but in the end we needed a ventouse to help him out. I used some gas while in the birthing pool, but other than that, no pain relief, and had no tearing. Leo was born at 6.36 pm weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce.
I totally credit hypnobirthing and your awesome teaching for helping to make our birthing such a positive one. The preparation ensured I was not fearful of the birth itself, the relaxation techniques kept the birthing calmly progressing, and little Leo was calm and not distressed (although unfortunately probably was a bit when we needed the ventouse).
He is two weeks old now and is a very calm and relaxed baby…he’s just amazing. Thanks again so much Claire – you really made an amazing contribution to the successful introduction of our lovely boy into the world. Thank you!